Safe Crossings Foundation is pleased to announce its 2021 Community Grantmaking Initiative and invites your children’s grief support organization to submit a proposal. In December, we will award grants with an average amount of $10,000, but which may vary depending on the availability of funds, the number of grantees, the needs of the grantee organization, and other factors for advancing the mission of Safe Crossings Foundation. If your organization would like to submit a letter of inquiry, please read the grantmaking process carefully.
By researching and funding leading-edge grief recovery programs in the Puget Sound region, Safe Crossings Foundation (SCF) provides resources to help youth safely navigate loss, rediscover their joy, and emerge as emotionally healthy and resilient members of their families and communities.
This is our vision. Your proposed program should advance that vision. We ideally seek programs that innovate, demonstrate a knowledge of the field, and address unmet needs or underserved communities. We especially look for programs that inspire hope in youth who have lost a loved one.
Selected grantee organizations will be expected to report quarterly progress toward goals, including outcome data, and participate in collaborative efforts with other grantee organizations. Grantees are expected to share with grief support partners any research, curricula and resources developed from this grant. In addition, impact stories and photos of participants will be required.
The process begins with a letter of inquiry. Your letter of inquiry should be a 1-2 page summary of your proposed project that includes the following:
- goal(s)
- what you propose to do with the requested funds
- audience served
- expected outcomes for grieving children and families
- how you will measure success
- total budget of your organization/program and how this grant funding would fit in
- how the project relates to your organization’s mission and aligns with the work of partner organizations
Email the letter of inquiry by September 30, 5pm (Pacific Time) to: info@SafeCrossingsFoundation.org.
Include “Letter of Inquiry” in the Subject Line. Please send no additional attachments.
September 30…………………Letters of Inquiry due (5pm Pacific Time)
October 8……………… Full proposals invited
November 4………….. Proposals due
December 9…………… SCF’s Board of Directors receives the recommendations
December 16……………Applicants will be notified
December 28…………. Checks issued
*All letters and grant proposals will be reviewed by Safe Crossings Foundation’s executive committee.
- Organizations with an IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status
- In operation for at least 2 years
- Providing children’s grief counseling, support or education
- Located in the Greater Puget Sound region (Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Thurston, Mason, Kitsap, Jefferson, and Island Counties). Priority generally given to programs in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties or serving grieving youth in those areas.
Priority beneficiaries: Projects should directly benefit children and/or teens and young adults up to age 25 with emphasis on lower income families & underserved populations. We encourage programs serving non-English speaking populations to apply.
Other limitations:
- No grants to individuals or religious institutions
- Grants cannot be used for fundraising (i.e., capital campaigns, event sponsorships, emergency funding, repaying loans, etc.) or political-related purposes.